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Cast Aluminium Cube


Cast aluminum cube, polished.
Edition: 1 of 6
Marianne Hesselbjerg 2011.

“Marianne Hesselbjerg is making sculptures and installations that are built up from large number of different materials. soil , comic strips, plaster of paris, ceramic, silvering, gold, steel, wires, rubber, plastic, glass, wood, wool, aluminium, bronze and more. The materials play a part in giving tactile presence to the artworks and bringing them into interaction with the space they happen to be situated in. The works openness to materials and concrete space and their coupling of the physical and mental serve to connect them with earlier art movements like Minimalism, Arte Povera, Surrealism and land art to which they refer in various ways. However, the references are primarily jumping-off points and not end points.” Magnus Thorø Clausen.


Additional information

Dimensions 38 × 38 × 39,5 cm